McCarthy confident in Jones' chances against Ngannou and Gan

Dmitriy Kel Jan. 25, 2022, 7:53 p.m.
John Jones
John Jones

Former UFC referee John McCarney has no doubt that the ex-champion of the promotion in light heavyweight John Jones able to successfully compete with the leaders of the heavy division.

According to McCarthy, the Bones would have beaten Francis Ngannou and Cyril Gan nine times out of ten.

“Jones would have translated Cyril and beat him to death on the ground. Francis can knock him out, he can hit him with his punch. Cyril can knock him out. Anyone can be knocked out. But if you look at their fights, Jones will definitely beat them nine times out of ten,” McCartney said on the Weighing In podcast.

34-year-old Jones last fought in February 2020, defeating Dominic Reyes by decision. Later, the American left the light heavyweight title vacant due to disagreements with the UFC.



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