Valuev gives a bold prediction for the Mineev-Ismailov 2

Nikolay Valuev
Nikolay Valuev

Former world boxing champion Nikolay Valuev named his favourite in the upcoming rematch Vladimir Mineev and Magomed Ismailov.

"A lot of copies have already been broken in the Internet about it. The fighters have already said everything to each other. As usual Ismailov has said more - now it is time for someone to answer for his words, to prove his skills.

The chances in this fight are in principle 50 to 50. It seems to me that Vladimir Mineev in this fight will look more preferable and will win. Why? Most likely due to his striking technique. Ismailov is in the standup quite a lot, although he fights well. But it's unlikely that Mineyev will allow himself to be moved to parterre and end the fight early. Ismailov hopes that he will bring out his best qualities in wrestling, but it's unlikely that Mineyev is unaware of that plan, so he will counter it in every way possible. It seems to me that this plan should work for him, he's got a very good striking technique, although Ismailov has plenty of power," Valuyev said.

Mineyev-Ismailov 2 will take place on October 16 at the tournament AMC Fight Nights 104 in Sochi. Their first meeting, which took place in October 2018, ended in a draw.