Dzhigurda to fight at "Nashe Delo" promotion

Scandalous showman and actor Nikita Dzhigurda will fight at the tournament of Nashe Delo promotion.

"Well, as they say, through "Nashe Delo" all issues can be solved and any conflict can be put to rest. And while some are having scuffles at press conferences and chasing their potential rivals around malls, restaurants, and patios, Mr. Gigurda has decided to break into pop-MMA in his signature style. For those in the tank, Sergei Zhorin is a well-known Russian lawyer who represents media personalities and public figures in courts. He is credited with several dozen sensational lawsuits involving show business stars, actors, singers, and producers who, thanks to his talent and ability as a lawyer, secured record compensation," the organization said in a statement.