Makhachev confirms that he is fighting on July 17

Andrew Karlov May 19, 2021, 6:25 p.m.

Islam Makhachev, a Russian UFC lightweight, has confirmed that his next fight will take place on July 17th.

“On July 17th in Las Vegas I will have the next fight. In the near future I will fly to the USA for preparation. We have been looking for an opponent for a long time, but we have the following alignment: out of the top 10, none of the free ones agreed to fight for various reasons. They said: "If you want to get the top, you have to wait until November-December." My career is going slowly, but in the right direction. As I win every fight, I get higher in the rankings. Someday in my old age I will reach this belt with a winning streak of 20 fights,” the fighter wrote.

Makhachev's rival will be Thiago Moises, who is not in the top 15 of the UFC lightweight division.

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