Flores receives purse for his fight against Ortiz

Andrew Karlov Nov. 23, 2020, 6:47 a.m.
Alexander Flores
Alexander Flores

The California State Athletic Commission (CSAC), after reviewing the video, decided to pay purse to Alexander Flores (18-2-1, 16 KOs) for the defeat in his November fight against Luis Ortiz (32-2, 27 KOs).

The fight, which was the main event of the Premier Boxing Champions night in Los Angeles, ended just 40 seconds after the first bell, but doubts soon arose as to whether Flores was really unable to continue the fight after the Ortiz punch, or he simply decided to quickly end the fight and just go get his check.

The case was considered by CSAC, which temporarily withheld a payment in the amount of 80 thousand dollars, which was due to be paid to the American. After analyzing the video of the fight, it was finally concluded that Flores really did not miss a clean punch with a glove, but received a strong blow from King Kong with his forearm, so there was no formal reason to block the payment of the Californian.



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