Japan defines new rules for sporting events

Naoya Inoue
Naoya Inoue

Already in June, the first evening of boxing can take place in Japan after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. Local authorizing sports organizations have established special rules according to which events can be held even with the participation of spectators.

Tournaments will be organized in large arenas, but with a certain distance between the participants. Every second row in the stands will be empty. In addition, each viewer will have two empty seats on both sides.

All spectators will have to come to the event wearing masks. During the event, there should be no people in the corridors of the arena to avoid close contact with large groups. Each boxer and his training staff will be tested on COVID-19. If the result is positive, they will not be able to attend the event.

To date, about 11,000 cases of coronavirus have been laboratory confirmed in Japan. 236 people died and 1,159 recovered.