Klitschko: The pure promotion does not work today

Legendary Ukrainian boxer Wladimir Klitschko shared his opinion on the current situation in professional boxing, and also described how he prepared for his fights.

“During my preparation for fights, screens were always installed near the ring so that you could view your future opponent's fights. You studied their actions in the attack and defense, and then use the knowledge gained in battle. The better I imagined my opponent, the better I performed in the ring,” Wladimir wrote in his book “Challenge Management. How to apply sports strategy in life and business“, which was published in many countries of the world. - Sometimes a fight resembles a chess game. I learned my opponent so well that I can adapt to them. Sometimes it was so good that I can predict their next moves.

“When a person spends his entire professional life in a certain area, he knows all the features and key players. I know the strengths and weaknesses of my boxing colleagues because I learned them as rivals, promoters or organizers. I also know the desires of fans, professional fighters and those who enjoy boxing. This leads to understand that promotion in its pure form does not work today. Sports results, the promotion of athletes and the organization of events are components of a single whole,” Klitschko wrote.