Hearn: Fury Asked For 60-40 Split

Eddie Hearn

Promoter Eddie Hearn claims that he would like to sign Tyson Fury on contract. Hearn plans to turn the career of the former world heavyweight champion into the right direction and in the future ...

“The only way Fury is going to get the Joshua fight is with us,” said Hearn. “So I've been talking to Fury about a plan which would lead to the Joshua fight.

“I said to him 'we can't talk about the Joshua fight now, because you can't expect to have a conversation about it when you haven't boxed for two years.' He might come back and stink the place out and have small value in the fight.

“He came back to me and said 'right, I'll make it really easy for you and give you a deal that you will accept straight away'. Then he said: 'I want a 60/40 split and all the champion's benefits. I want to walk second, it's my name on the poster and I want choice of changing rooms'.

“It made me laugh, I said 'that's great, yeah, good joke'. But he was deadly serious. He says Joshua is only where he is because of him. Then I realised he was actually serious with those terms.”