Khyzhniak Reaches WC-2017 Semifinal, Shestak Drops off

Andrew Karlov Aug. 29, 2017, 1:37 p.m.
Oleksandr Khyzhniak
Oleksandr Khyzhniak

Oleksandr Khyzhniak (75 kg) won 4:1 over Benjamin Whittaker from England and went to the semi-finals of the 2017 World Cup, which these days is held in Hamburg, Germany. In the semifinals, which will be held on August 31 in the evening session, Khyzhniak will meet American Troy Isley.

Iurii Shestak (60 kg) in the quarterfinal bout with a score of 0:5 lost to Frenchman Sofiane Oumiha and stopped a step away from the medal of the world championships.



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