Wu refuses to leave

Andrew Karlov Aug. 1, 2017, 6:10 a.m.
Ching-Kuo Wu
Ching-Kuo Wu

President of the International Amateur Boxing Association (AIBA) Ching-Kuo Wu said that he is not going to leave his post and will continue to work from August 2, when the organization's headquarters in Lausanne will open. The building of the headquarters of AIBA was blocked by security officers, in connection with the situation in the leadership of the organization.

At the meeting of the executive committee of AIBA in Moscow on July 24-25, Wu was invited to resign, but he refused. It was announced that an extraordinary AIBA congress would be convened in the next three months. Wu himself said that "the emergence of a group of negative attitudes in the executive committee of the organization, which tries to create a false picture for the media about our work, undermines the organization's efforts to develop boxing."

"I will continue to fulfill my duties," Ching-Kuo Wu said. - I was elected by the Congress of AIBA, and only it has the right to remove me from office. I continue to explain this to the executive committee and invite them to read the charter. In our charter there is nothing that would allow them to create an interim management committee. It has no legal justification."



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