Out-of-shape Tyson Fury attempts to leap gate (video)

Andrew Karlov Jan. 9, 2017, 3:28 a.m.

Former world heavyweight champion Tyson Fury has gone viral once again, but this time not for any controversial coming out of his mouth. The 27 year-old, currently on sabbatical whilst suffering with mental problems, attempted to jump over a field gate but ended up with egg on his face. Fury, looking out of shape due to a lack of gym activity, took a long run up before slipping over just before his take off.

Rumours Fury could be ready to fight again as early as April seem way off the mark, provided the video is from 2017 as a much longer camp would be needed to whip ’2 Fast’ into fitness. The renowned traveller recently informed his social media followers he was no longer a gypsy, whilst changing his name to ’Gorga Tys’ from now on.



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