White recounted the biggest winnings and losses in casinos

UFC CEO Dana White talked about his biggest win and biggest loss in a casino.

"One night I won one million dollars. It happened one time at the Mandalay Bay Casino. And one summer I facilitated the Caesars Casino for twelve million. But that's for the whole summer. And now I'm going with a pretty good score, too. Yeah, I play blackjack. One time I was out drinking with friends, having a good time, and I lost eighty thousand dollars. I got a call from the casino in the morning asking if we were coming in today because our room we rented was still paid for. I replied, 'I don't need the room, but I'll be back for the eighty thousand I lost - rest assured.' There was a sepulchral silence on the other end, and then I hear, 'Dana, what are you talking about? You lost three million!" I was shocked, I said, 'How can that be? I have a line of credit for a million and a half,' and they were like, 'Yeah, but you made us increase our credit, calling us fucking cowards.' So yeah, that's a real number."