Porier: "Maybe I could have finished Makhachev"

Dmitriy Kel March 12, 2024, 12:38 a.m.

Former interim UFC lightweight champion Dustin Porier admits he could inflict an early defeat on current full-featured belt holder Islam Makhachev.

On March 9 at UFC 299 in Miami, USA, the American returned to the title race with a second-round knockout of Benoit Saint-Denis.

"I'm not going to stop getting in the 'guillotine'. And Saint-Denis couldn't catch me. I put my own head in that clinch about five times. I don't know if I should stop trying to choke someone with a 'guillotine,' but I'm not going to stop.

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Also, I do often get pinned hard in sparring in such a way that I can render people unconscious - but I never do that in a fight. I could probably beat Islam with that power that's in my hands," Low Kick MMA quoted Porier as saying.



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