Cormier responded to Diaz: "We're on different planets"

The altercation between Nate Diaz and Daniel Cormier continued. This time Cormier took the floor.

"Let's get one thing straight - I don't have a problem with Nate. I don't really know Nate. I've always respected Nate for what he's done in the octagon. I'm a lot of things, guys, but I'm not s****. So my question is this: when did it become normal for men to start calling each other by other than their first name? The reality is, I'm not going to compare myself to Nate because they're different levels. Very different. I'm a champion, I've conquered two weight classes and I've only lost three times in my career. Four if you count the fight that was declared a no contest. Four times, just two guys. We're on different levels, we're on different planets. We're not in the same stratosphere in terms of fighters. We're not. And it's time for me to stop letting people insult me like that when I'm doing my job ...," Cormier stated.