Coach Volkanovski revealed why Alexander agreed to a rematch with Makhachev

Dmitriy Kel Feb. 7, 2024, 2:19 p.m.

UFC featherweight champion coach Alexandra Volkanovski Eugene Bairman admitted that his client agreed to take a fight with the title holder in a division higher Islam Makhachev because of the opportunity to get a lucrative contract with a promotion.

ā€œIā€™m not sure if this is widely known... But Alex signed a new contract with the UFC with a mandatory condition for this fight. So it wasn'tĀ a matter of one well-paid fight. It was a matter of all his next fights with much, much higher pay. So from this point of view, his decision is understandable,ā€ Bairman is quoted as saying by Medium.

Let us remember that last year Volkanovski suffered two defeats from Makhachev. In February he lost by decision, and in October by knockout.

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