MMA star from Kazakhstan wants to train with McGregor

Famous Kazakh mixed martial arts fighter Kuat Khamitov made an unexpected statement, saying that he is a big fan of the former UFC champion in two divisions Conor McGregor. Khamitov also added that he ...

“Recently, my friend Brendan Loughnane, he is the PFL champion of last season, trained with McGregor in Dubai. And when I saw their training on Instagram, I wrote to him: “How is he doing in general?” Is he really good or just seems like that?“ There’s just an opinion among fighters from the CIS that UFC fighters are not as cool as on the screen - they don’t know how to fight, etc. On the screen they seem like beasts, but when you work with them, they are the same as you, even somewhere they are inferior to you in the fight. I was wondering about Conor - how strong is he really? He replied: “Yes, he is good.” Quilley is not training right now, but if I see Brendan preparing for a fight with McGregor in January somewhere in Dublin or Dubai, then I will join him. I would be interested in training with Conor and standing in pairs. To fight with him, to help in the fight in a sense, because I am a basic fighter. I'm a little taller than Chandler. So if I see them training together, I will definitely come and help McGregor. Moreover, I am a big fan of McGregor.”