Cormier explained why Makhachev does not want rematches with Oliveira and Tsarukyan

Dmitriy Kel Dec. 12, 2023, 3:48 a.m.

Former UFC champion in two weight categories, expert and commentator Daniel Cormier spoke about the desire of the lightweight title holder Islam Makhacheva add new names to your track record.

“Makhachev said that he needs new challenges, and this makes you think that he is avoiding a rematch with Tsarukyan. Then the journalist asks Islam how much longer he will fight, to which he receives the answer: “A couple more years, no more.”

This is why I believe that Islam takes the right position in not wanting to carry out revenge. If he fights for two more years, do we want to see him fight the same opponents? Or would we rather see him against new fighters every time?” Cormier said on his YouTube channel.

Watch this story: Rockhold called Cormier a liar


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