Next fight of Rose Volante is not determined yet.
Rose Volante's record currently stands at 14 wins, 1 lose and 0 draw.
Rose Volante's last fight took place against Katie Taylor on March 15, 2019, in Philadelphia, USA. She lost by TKO in the 9 round. That fight was 5 months and 25 days ago.
Volante's last 1 fights have come over a period of day, meaning she has been fighting on average every month and day. In those fights, she fought a total of round, meaning that they have lasted round on average.
Volante was born in Brazil.
The Rose Volante is currently 42 years old. She was born on Aug. 12, 1982, so she will turn 43 in 11 months and 3 days.
Rose Volante made her professional debut in May 2014, so she has been a pro for 10 years.
Volante is 5' 5" (5 Foot and 5 inch) which is 166 cm (1 meter and 66 centimeters).
Her reach is 67 inches (67") which is 171 cm (1 meter and 71 centimeters).
Volante fights from a orthodox, which means she favours her right hand as her power hand when fighting.
Rose Volante doesn't currently have a fight scheduled