Mendes named Dvalishvili's strengths

Alexandr Ormanji Dec. 19, 2024, 5:21 a.m.

Javier Mendes, Umar Nurmagomedov's trainer, has spoken out about the upcoming fight between his charge and Merab Dvalishvili.

"This is the toughest challenge for Umar. And we have to be ready for five hard rounds, not three or four. Because Merab can go 10. And my biggest challenge is to keep up with his pace. Because Merab doesn't stop.

If we talk about techniques, he is not more dangerous than Umar, the same applies to stand-up. But if we talk about wrestling, I think he has a slight advantage. However, Umar is also a good tekdown fighter. And Umar will take him down. We won't avoid that," Mendes said.



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