Makhachev spoke out about the fight with Topuria

Alexandr Ormanji Dec. 4, 2024, 3:36 a.m.

UFC lightweight champion Islam Makhachev has spoken out about fighting the promotion's featherweight champion Ilia Topuria.

"We're going to have some kind of conversation, one hundred percent. He's always talking about me, probably trying to make a point, though I don't understand what it is. Does he want to fight? We'll fight if we have to, but in terms of my fighting career, I'm not interested in Topuria in any way. He will fight, he will represent another weight, I will beat him - what will it give me in my career? I don't win the belt, everyone will say I beat a welterweight again. But if people want to see him lose, we can organize that."



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