Aspinall called out Jones' weakness

Alexandr Ormanji Nov. 17, 2024, 10:52 a.m.

Tom Aspinall reacted to the outcome of the Jones vs Miocic fight.

"He's a real master of feints, you never know what he's going to throw out. You need sharp eyes and quick reactions to beat Jon Jones, and Stipe Miocic at 42 doesn't have that anymore. I'm so happy that I got to see a close-up of what Jon Jones looks like at 37 and at the end of his career. Very pleased with that.

Were there any weaknesses I noted in Jon's game? Speed, just speed - there's no way he can win. I do not want to say too much, you know what I mean," - quotes Aspinall portal Bloody Elbow.

Recall, Jones finished Miocic in the third round.



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