Du Plessis called Whittaker's mistake in his fight with Chimayev a mistake

Dmitriy Kel Oct. 31, 2024, 8:04 a.m.

UFC middleweight champion Dricus Du Plessis spoke out about the fight between former belt holder Robert Whittaker and Hamzat Chimaev that took place this past weekend at UFC 308 in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

"Hamzat is a bully. He always goes forward and uses his momentum. This guy makes his opponents retreat because of the constant fear of the knockdown. If you're defensive or have a defensive mindset, Hamzat just gets on top of you and starts wearing you down. I think that was the main mistake Whittaker made," Du Plessis told ESPN.

Recall that Chimaev defeated Whittaker by painful hold in the first round.



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