White has been fighting for years to return Jones to undefeated fighter status

UFC CEO Dana White said he has been fighting for years to return Jon Jones to undefeated fighter status.

"I've been trying to do that since the decision. I think I'm even more hung up on it than John himself. So far, I haven't accomplished anything. The fight was officiated by an incompetent referee in that situation. I may have sounded like a jerk before with those statements, but now everyone realizes it. Plus that fight came at a time when the Nevada athletic commission was in terrible shape. The manager was a complete zero, so Jones' disqualification shouldn't have happened either. I've been fighting to overturn that decision for years," White pronounced at the press conference after UFC 304.

Recall, the only defeat in his career, "Bones" suffered a disqualification - he inflicted banned at the time elbow strikes to Matt Hemill, after which he was disqualified.