Bisping: "I'd bet on Aspinall beating Jones and Miocic"

Dmitriy Kel July 15, 2024, 3:22 a.m.

British mixed martial arts titlist Michael Bisping believes interim UFC heavyweight champion Tom Aspinall is capable of winning a full title.

"Can Aspinall be a hammerlock as well as a nail. What I mean by that is, does Tom have the guts to get hammered in one round and then get back in the fight? We haven't seen that in his fights yet.

I think Aspinall has the grip, he's got a strong jaw. He's missed before and stayed on his feet. Pavlovic hit him, but Tom didn't go to sleep.

Honestly, I'd bet on Aspinall winning over Jones and Miocic. Cormier disagrees with me. I'm British, but I'm not friends with Tom - I've lived in California for 13 years. And when Tom was gaining momentum, I had already finished my career. He and I are similar. So I'm not saying this out of friendship - he rolls over all his opponents. In the UFC he performs just phenomenal," - said Bisping in a video on his YouTube channel.

As a reminder, Aspinall will fight Curtis Blades on July 27 at UFC 304 in Manchester, UK.



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