Ancalaev promises to knockout Pereira

Dmitriy Kel June 30, 2024, 11:39 a.m.

UFC welterweight division No. 2 ranked Magomed Ankalaev challenged champion Alex Pereira.

"Congratulations, champ. I'm very impressed. Dana White has always said that MMA is a sport of opportunity. I want my chance. I don't need a fight. I believe my punches are enough to check your jaw. I believe I will knock you out.

Two years ago, Pereira said he wasn't ready to fight me. This is the most dangerous opponent for me in the division, and I am the most dangerous opponent for him," wrote Ankalaev in X.

Recall, on the night of June 30, Pereira knocked out Jiri Prohazka in the second round. The fight topped the UFC 303 tournament in Las Vegas, USA.



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