Whittaker told under what condition the fight with Chimaev could take place

Dmitriy Kel June 26, 2024, 7:57 p.m.

Former UFC middleweight champion Robert Whittaker admits he may one day share the octagon with undefeated Hamzat Chimaev if the latter continues to compete in the 84kg division.

"I compete in the middleweight division. If he fights in the middleweight division too, why not. I mean, he fights at welterweight sometimes too. So if we're both at the top, our paths could cross. I haven't shied away from him," Whittaker told MMA Fighting.

Recall that Whittaker and Chimaev were scheduled to fight on June 22 at UFC on ABC 6, but the latter pulled out due to health issues. He was replaced by Ikram Aliskerov, who was knocked out by the Australian in the first round.



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