Sonnen mocked Jones

Alexandr Ormanji June 27, 2024, 1:28 a.m.

Former UFC fighter and current commentator and analyst Chael Sonnen mocked the promotion's current heavyweight champion Jon Jones.

"The biggest fight Jones has gotten in the last four years is against Islam Makhachev for the UFC's out-of-weight class rankings preference, which airs Tuesdays at 9am. Islam Makhachev has given Jon Jones a bigger fight than any heavyweight on the planet. Get it through your head! And at the same time, there's a blond-haired Russian guy who was coming in with a 19-1 record, with six straight knockout wins - and now he's lost two fights in a row. It certainly makes you rethink Jones' reluctance to come out against him," Chael said sarcastically on his YouTube channel.

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