Atlas: "Bogachuk got another chance for merit"

Dmitriy Kel Dec. 28, 2024, 7:25 a.m.

Authoritative American trainer Teddy Atlas spoke about Ukrainian middleweight Serhiy Bogachuk, who scored an early victory over Britain's Ishmael Davis on December 21 as part of an evening of boxing in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

"Bogachuk is just a machine that never stops going forward and keeps throwing punches. He's at the helm of the division now, he's the main challenger for the full WBC title. Many fans will agree with me because they thought he won the previous fight with Ortiz. I personally gave the win to Ortiz back then, but it was a monstrously close fight and now Sergey has gotten another shot for credit," Atlas said on his YouTube channel.



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