Garcia is injured and will not be able to compete in Tokyo

Andrew Karlov Dec. 16, 2024, 7:41 a.m.
Ryan Garcia
Ryan Garcia

Ryan Garcia (24-1, 20 KOs) suffered a wrist injury and will not participate in an exhibition fight with Rukia Anpo (27-8-1, 14 KOs). The fight was scheduled to take place on December 30 in Japan.

The event has officially been postponed but not permanently canceled, although a new date has yet to be announced. It was reported a few weeks ago that the fight was scheduled for eight two-minute rounds at the contracted weight limit of 153 pounds (69.4 kg).

The American is disqualified until April after being found guilty of doping during his fight with Devin Haney. Until then, the 26-year-old cannot compete in any official fights sanctioned by sports commissions in any country.



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