Sosnovsky: "The level demonstrated by Abduraimov among adult boxers is already high enough"

Head coach of the Ukrainian national boxing team Dmytro Sosnovsky shared his thoughts on the abilities of Aider Abduraimov (up to 57 kg), who will take part in the Olympics-2024.

"He's a young guy, and I think there's definitely talent here, because those fights and the level of boxing he showed today among adult boxers - he's already quite high. And he is a hard-working guy. He's been working hard since he was a junior. He had medals at the European Youth Championships.

So he already had experience in youth sports. As far as I am concerned, he was confident enough in the license tournament. He defeated a silver medalist of the Olympic Games, confidently defeated a Kyrgyz - a bronze medalist, a good enough and high-class boxer.

He has an experienced coach working with him - Olympic bronze medalist Sergey Danilchenko. I think he helps him a lot, they have a good tandem," Sosnovsky said.
