White advises Holm to end her career

Dmitriy Kel April 15, 2024, 3:57 a.m.

UFC CEO Dana White believes 42-year-old former lightweight champion Holly Holm should hang up her gloves.

Holm lost to Kayla Harrison with a choke hold in the second round on April 13 at the UFC 300 Anniversary event in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

"Harrison came out against Holly, who has spent a lot of time in the octagon in her career. And I don't care where Kayla has competed before - she definitely had goosebumps of excitement at UFC 300.

Kayla put a fighting legend on the spot. That's a major accomplishment - Holm has done a lot for MMA. But now she has to think about the future. So yeah - I'd prefer her to end her career," White said at the press conference.



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