O'Malley: "I'll take Faith apart"

Dmitriy Kel Nov. 7, 2023, 11:16 a.m.

UFC Bantamweight Champion Sean O'Malley commented on the announcement of his fight against Marlon Vera, which will take place in March at UFC 299.

“I’ll take this dude apart. If he manages to damage a nerve in my leg again, I’ll say, “Great, this guy knows what he’s doing.” But I’m sure that it was a great success, and deep down Vera himself understands this.

He's really scared of me. I know you're watching this, Chito, and you realize that I'm too fast for you. There's nothing you can do to me, buddy. I think he's very nervous about the rematch. It's too slow. What will you do? I’ll take it apart,” Bloody Elbow quotes the American.

Let us remember that in August 2020, O’Malley lost to Vera by technical knockout in the first round.



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