Volkanovski: “All the pressure is on Makhachev. I just got up from the couch."

Dmitriy Kel Oct. 12, 2023, 12:16 p.m.

UFC Featherweight Champion Alexander Volkanovski the other day I unexpectedly received a second chance to take the belt in the lightweight division from Islam Makhacheva. The fight will take place on October 21 at the UFC 294 show in Abu Dhabi, UAE, but at the same time the Australian manages to devote time to his YouTube channel, in the latest episode of which he shared his mood for the upcoming fight.

“We were informed that Oliveira had withdrawn. I immediately agreed. Of course, there were some small negotiations. I said, “Make sure it's worth it financially.”

If anyone can beat a champion on 11 days' notice, it's me. I'm ready to shock the world. Did I rest? Yes. Have you been drinking? It happened. But it makes me feel fresher. I don't feel exhausted. Nothing puts pressure on me, all the pressure is on Islam. I just got up from the couch!” - Volkanovski said.

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