Ngannou explained why he decided to join the PFL

Francis Ngannou

Former UFC heavyweight champion Francis Ngannhe told me why after the end of the employment agreement with the largest promotion He decided to continue his career in PFL.

“PFL made a great offer after our first meeting. Once all the details were finalized, I realized it was worthy. I was happy, but still in no hurry to sign the contract.

Then we had negotiations with the Singapore ONE League. A few days later they sent me a copy of the contract. When I compared these two proposals, I did not hesitate in my choice. Yes, PFL offered more attractive terms,” Ngannou said in an interview with Joe Rogan.

Let us remind you that on October 28 in the capital of Saudi Arabia, Ngannou will make his debut in boxing with a fight against WBC heavyweight champion Tyson Fury. He is expected to fight his first PFL fight in the first half of next year.