Gan explained his reluctance to fight Aspinall

Dmitriy Kel Sept. 19, 2023, 2:11 a.m.
Cyril Gan
Cyril Gan

Former two-time UFC title challenger Frenchman Cyril Gan explained why he is not eager to fight the Briton Tom Aspinall.

“To me, it doesn’t make sense. I discussed this with my managers. I want to rise to the top, I am the number one contender. And Aspinall takes only fourth place in the ranking. This is pointless, because I have already shown my level.

I don't want to take unnecessary risks again. I'm willing to take risks for the big reward, which is the title. I have time, I don’t plan to rush. The fight with Aspinall seems strange to me. This is not my fight right now,” Gan said on The MMA Hour.

Let us remember that in early September Gan knocked out Sergei Spivak.



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