Mendes named the favorite for the fight between McGregor and Chandler

Conor McGregor and Michael Chandler

Famous American coach Javier Mendez spoke about the upcoming fight between the former UFC champion in two weight categories Conor McGregor And Michael Chandler.

“I'm leaning towards McGregor just because Chandler loves to entertain the crowd and he's going to stagnate more than he should. If Michael had used wrestling the way he does, then I would have chosen him. But Chandler is a showman, and he will give Conor what he loves - a static position.

Conor is the most accurate striker in the division. Michael puts up a fight all the time, but I don't think this style of fighting is what he needs. He needs to be closer to Khabib's style: hit to take him down, and then don't stop throwing punches. Don't let him adapt to you. Always create threats so that he doesn’t get comfortable,” Mendes was quoted as saying by Lord Ring.

Let us remember that McGregor previously said that the fight with Chandler would take place in December, but this information was never confirmed.