Oliveira's coach: "Charles should strangle Makhachev in the second or third round"

Dmitriy Kel Oct. 20, 2022, 3:03 p.m.
Charles Oliveira
Charles Oliveira

Cicero Coutinho, Trainer of Former UFC Lightweight Champion Charles Oliveira, spoke about the plan for the upcoming fight of his ward with Islam Mahachim.

“Charles knows perfectly well the pros and cons of Makhachev. We have a certain plan. We understand that the fight will most likely take place on the ground. Our plan is to choke Makhachev in the second or third round, ”quotes an MMA Mania specialist.

The fight between Makhachev and Oliveira will take place on October 22 at UFC 280 in Abu Dhabi. At stake in the meeting will be a vacant belt in the lightweight division of the promotion.

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