Gvozdyk told why he decided to resume his career

Alexander Gvozdyk

Former World Light Heavyweight Champion Alexander Gvozdyk admitted that he decided to return to the ring due to the fact that he had lost his business.

“Firstly, now I no longer have a business. Because from the moment the war began, I no longer have it. Now I feel good. I don't have such a burning need for money, but like any person, I'm being honest... Of course, if you don't earn money, you spend it. And they tend to end. So something needs to be thought about. In the meantime, you have a lot of free time. The faster way to make money is to get back in the ring.

By the way, here you can say “thank you”, it seems to me, to a person who is hated by all of Ukraine. Thanks to him, I return to boxing (laughs). Who am I referring to? President of the country that attacked us. This is a joke, of course. If not for him, I would have continued to do business," Gvozdyk said in an interview with Channel 24.
