Makhachev called eminent fighters who refused to fight him instead of Dariush

Dmitriy Kel Feb. 23, 2022, 5 p.m.
Islam Makhachev
Islam Makhachev

Top Russian lightweight UFC Islam Makhachev listed the fighters who refused to accept a fight with him on short notice.

Recall that on the night of February 27, as part of UFC Fight Night 202, Makhachev was supposed to fight with Beneil Dariush, but the American was injured. As a result, Bobby Green agreed to replace him.

“When manager Ali Abdelaziz said that Beneil was injured, I told him: ‘Hey, we have Rafael dos Anjos. He should fight Fiziev, but he has problems with a visa. I think he's ready, give him a call." Ali replied that Rafael did not want to.

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I say, "Call Ferguson, Gillespie, Chandler, anyone." And only Bobby answered. I think this guy wants to earn some money, so he agreed, ”Makhachev said in an interview with ESPN.



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