Mendez: No one at lightweight can defend against Makhachev's takedowns

Dmitriy Kel Feb. 22, 2022, 8:07 a.m.
Javier Mendez
Javier Mendez

Russian UFC lightweight coach Islam Makhachev Javier Mendez assessed the form of his ward on the eve of the fight with Bobby Green.

“Now Islam is in the best form it has ever had. I give him 10 out of 10. He is incredible in all areas of the fight, completely ready to fight. His two main sparring partners now are Sagid Izagakhmaev and Gadzhi Rabadanov. Basically, Islam works with guys from his environment, I brought him and some of my guys, but mainly he works with Sagid and Haji. Well, plus the cousin of Khabib Usman.

— Were you surprised how quickly he destroyed Dan Hooker?

- Absolutely not. And if the same thing happens to Benil, I won't be surprised. That's how good Islam is. People should listen to what Khabib and I are saying - Islam is rushing to the title in full swing. The only chance of his rivals is a knockout. Yes, a knockout can happen, anyone can get hit. But this is the only chance and that's it.

- Will Benil Dariush be able to defend against Islam's takedowns? (the interview was before the removal of Dariush)

- Not. No no and one more time no. Nobody can.

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Makhachev will fight with Bobby Green on the night of February 27 as part of the UFC Fight Night 202 show in Las Vegas.



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