AIBA Congress will Consider Leadership Changing on November 12

Andrew Karlov Aug. 28, 2017, 3:06 a.m.
Ching-Kuo Wu
Ching-Kuo Wu

The Congress of the International Boxing Association (AIBA) will discuss the possible resignation of the current president of the organization Ching-Kuo Wu at a meeting on November 12 in Dubai. In July 13 members of the executive committee of the organization expressed a vote of no confidence to the 70-year-old Wu. One of the reasons for this decision was serious financial problems of the organization, information about which Wu denied. The president was asked to resign at his own request, but he refused.

On Sunday in Hamburg, where the world boxing championship is taking place these days, a meeting of the members of the AIBA executive committee with representatives of the national federations took place. The Executive Committee reported on the financial situation of the organization and existing debts. It is noted that "the representatives of the national federations were very surprised by this information and are deeply concerned about the future of the sport that they love."

In addition, the executive committee demanded the receipt of financial reports of AIBA for the past three years, which were hidden. An extraordinary meeting of the organization's executive committee will be held on September 23 in Dubai, where the financial problems of AIBA will be discussed. "For 10 years we fully supported him [Ching-Kuo-wu], but now we are forced to change our position, because president Wu forgot that openness is an integral part of ethical behavior," said Franco Falcinelli, AIBA vice president.

Ching-Kuo Wu took over as president of AIBA in 2006, succeeding in this post Pakistani Anwar Chaudhry. In November 2014, he was re-elected as AIBA president for a third term on a non-alternative basis. Since 2012 he is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Olympic Committee.



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