Nurmagomedov responded to accusations that he often withdraws from fights

While speaking to the media at the post-UFC Fight Night 238 press conference, Umar Nurmagomedov responded to accusations that he is pulling out of fights too often.

"Everyone says I'm pulling out of fights. Only two fights were canceled due to my fault. Before the fight with Sergey Morozov I got very sick, but later I had a fight with him. The second time I withdrew because of a shoulder injury from the fight with Sandhagen. I underwent surgery and hopefully I will still fight him. All the other cases are pandemic, death of uncle, disruptions due to opponents. Everybody says Umar's been on eight movies. No, I was filmed only twice", - stated the fighter.

Recall, today Umar Nurmagomedov at UFC Fight Night 238 won a unanimous decision of judges against Bekzat Almakhan.