Ortega admitted he became depressed after losing to Rodriguez

Former UFC featherweight title challenger Brian Ortega spoke about his psychological state after an early defeat in a fight with Yair Rodriguez.

Let us remember that in July 2022, Ortega capitulated in the first round of the fight with Rodriguez due to a shoulder injury. The American and the Mexican will have a rematch at the UFC Fight Night 237 tournament, which will take place on February 24 in Mexico City.

“It’s depression, it’s sadness that’s taken over because all I want to do is perform. You go through these battles where people have no idea how much you give of yourself. You try to be positive and tell everyone, “Guys, I’m coming back,” and they just laugh at you.

You start thinking like, “I’m grateful to you guys because I have a job and you guys are giving it to me.” But I’m also disheartened by how negative you guys can be towards fighters like me when we’re trying to come back,” Ortega said in an interview with Kevin Iola.