Tsarukyan - about three-shock: “We have to do it”

Arman Tsarukyan, a UFC lightweight, admitted that he doesn’t like trash talk and would like fights in the UFC to be given not for the ability to speak, but for the ability to fight. ...

“I want to say something normal, but something too much - of course not... I would like the UFC to be like the PFL. I came in, you know that the Grand Prix, here are eight fighters. If you are the best this year, everyone will fight with you, no need to chat, say anything. He came, he fought, he earned money, and he left. That is, you don’t need to make faces in the media, tell them in which round you will knock out, and so on. But we have to. In order for us to be paid big money, we need to talk...,” the fighter said.