Cejudo called Ankalaev's serious drawback

Dmitriy Kel Jan. 17, 2024, 12:19 p.m.

Former UFC champion in two weight classes Henry Cejudo I am sure that lack of knowledge of English greatly hinders the development of the career of a top light heavyweight Magomed Ankalaeva.

“You may hate me for this, but you know what, guys? You have to pay to know English. In this sense, you need to be in demand on the market. And I think Ankalaev is missing this one detail. Despite the fact that he has fans in Russia, he needs to create this base in the USA,” Cejudo said in the latest issue of the author’s YouTube channel.

Last weekend at the UFC Fight Night 234 tournament in Las Vegas, Ankalaev knocked out Johny Walker in the second round.



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