Thomson named the most difficult opponent for Makhachev at the moment

Dmitriy Kel Dec. 13, 2023, 1:20 p.m.

Former Strikeforce Champion Josh Thomson expressed the opinion that the greatest threat to the UFC lightweight title holder Islam Makhacheva now represents Justin Gaethje.

“I think the hardest fight for Makhachev right now is with Justin Gaethje. Islam has a tendency to get stagnant in his stance sometimes, but he can't afford that with Justin, and his fight is not a two-legged fight.

Gaethje is not one to stay in the clinch for long. He knows how to get out of the clinch. Dirty boxing, uppercuts, he has the power to hit when breaking the clinch. This is a dangerous fight for Makhachev, very dangerous,” the American said on his Weighing In podcast.

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Let us remind you that Makhachev previously stated that he plans to return to the Octagon in March.



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