Next fight of Matias Ariel Vidondo is not determined yet.
Matias Ariel Vidondo's record currently stands at 20 wins, 2 loses and 1 draw.
Matias Ariel Vidondo's last fight took place against Luis Ortiz on Oct. 17, 2015, in New York, USA. He lost by KO in the 3 round. That fight was 10 months and 22 days ago.
Vidondo's last 3 fights have come over a period of 2 years, 1 month and 17 days, meaning he has been fighting on average every 8 months and 15 days. In those fights, he fought a total of 10 rounds, meaning that they have lasted 3 rounds on average.
Vidondo was born in Argentina.
The Matias Ariel Vidondo is currently 47 years old. He was born on Oct. 30, 1976, so he will turn 48 in 1 month and 22 days.
Matias Ariel Vidondo made his professional debut in March 2010, so he has been a pro for 14 years.
Vidondo fights from a orthodox, which means he favours his right hand as his power hand when fighting.
Matias Ariel Vidondo doesn't currently have a fight scheduled