Dec. 4, 2021
Kerman Lejarraga's record currently stands at 27 wins, 0 lose and 0 draw.
Lejarraga was born in Spain.
The Kerman Lejarraga is currently 33 years old. He was born on Feb. 19, 1992, so he will turn 34 in 10 months and 24 days.
Kerman Lejarraga made his professional debut in May 2013, so he has been a pro for 11 years.
Lejarraga is 5' 8" (5 Foot and 8 inch) which is 175 cm (1 meter and 75 centimeters).
Lejarraga fights from a orthodox, which means he favours his right hand as his power hand when fighting.
Kerman Lejarraga doesn't currently have a fight scheduled