Feb. 23, 2017
Isiah Thomas's record currently stands at 15 wins, 0 lose and 0 draw.
Thomas was born in USA.
The Isiah Thomas is currently 36 years old. He was born on Jan. 30, 1989, so he will turn 37 in 10 months and 13 days.
Isiah Thomas made his professional debut in September 2008, so he has been a pro for 16 years.
Thomas is 6' 3" (6 Foot and 3 inch) which is 193 cm (1 meter and 93 centimeters).
His reach is 80 inches (80") which is 203 cm (2 meters and 3 centimeters).
Thomas fights from a southpaw, which means he favours his left hand as his power hand when fighting.
Isiah Thomas doesn't currently have a fight scheduled