Juban: "Pereira deserves a spot in the UFC Hall of Fame"

Dmitriy Kel Dec. 27, 2024, 2:29 p.m.

Retired American mixed martial arts fighter Alan Juban shared his opinion on UFC bantamweight champion Brazilian Alex Pereira.

"Pereira deserves a place in the Hall of Fame. If he even ends his career tomorrow - no one in UFC history has accomplished what he has in such a short period of time. Pereira's success is unprecedented.

Pereira is supported by people of all ages, he's dragging the popularization of the UFC on his back. He's doing a great job! He finishes his fights in a very colorful way. If you put Alex Pereira in charge of any tournament at any time of the year - people will be happy. They will probably see a knockout and smile. You can't say that about every fighter," MMA News quoted Juban as saying.



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